To take tests with accommodations, a student must present documentation and receive approval for accommodations. The student will then be provided with an accommodations letter to give each instructor for the classes in which accommodations are needed.
Steps to request test taking accommodations
- One week prior to a scheduled test for which accommodations will be needed, the student must complete the accommodations test form which is available online and in both the Academic Resource Center and Testing Center.
- The student should take the completed form to the instructor to discuss the accommodations requested and the specific date and time when the test must be taken in Testing (AL 208).
- The instructor should deliver the form and test to Testing prior to the agreed upon time.
- The student is responsible to prepare for the test and go to Testing to take the test by the agreed upon day and time.
- Students wanting to use Kurzweil to read tests should take the completed form to the Academic Resource Desk assistant in Alumni 213.