What is a study group?
A study group meets on a weekly basis to review class material. The focus of the group is to study together by asking questions. A leader is provided to help monitor conversation, but the leader is not responsible to teach material to study groups.
What is a review session?
A review session is held before each test. A leader is provided to review the test material, and the leader is responsible for re-teaching the material if necessary.
What should I do to prepare for a study group or review session?
Every student should review his own notes before attending a study group. When reviewing, make a list of questions to ask peers at the study group.
Will attending a study group or review session raise my grade?
Since your grade is based solely on your own preparation and understanding of the course content, a study group is not guaranteed to help you raise your grade. However, students in one class saw an increase of 8% in overall grades after attending their review session every time it was offered.